English–West Frisian dictionary

West Frisian translation of the English word Great Britain

English → West Frisian
EnglishWest Frisian (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 A UK Government spokesman said goods are flowing effectively and in normal volumes between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
(Great Britain)
🔗 “Cormac”, said the huge viking, “who is king of Britain?”
(big; large; major; substantial; ample; mickle)
🔗 The great sheets of the Earth’s crust, known as tectonic plates, are slowly moving, carrying the continents about on them.
(big; large)
🔗 You must be a great sorceress.
🔗 It had some great poplars growing on it, and a tangle of undergrowth.

EnglishWest Frisian
Great Britain Grut‐Brittanje
Britain Grut‐Brittanje
great almachtich; grut